Monday, January 02, 2006

Crazy Stalkers

Ok, so there is this guy in my home ward that is totally hitting on me... Oh yeah, he is 33 and just divorced and.... not cool! Oh well.. today my family planted trees before getting poured on with hail. It was crazy.. we were running out of the woods. I felt like I was in a horror movie or something cause the sky was really dark and there was mud everywhere and we were running and it was hailing.. it was pretty cool.. All the way home it hailed .. and i drove.. not too much fun. Mom also had Kevin watch for funnel clouds cause of all the crazy tornados we've been having around here.. or I guess I should say.. they've been having. Then for FHE we cleaned out the attic.. Loads of fun.. but it needed to be done. Well.. that's all for now...

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