Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas and Gangsta Party

This last week we had a Christmas party and a Gangster party. The Christmas party was for the ward. We had dinner catered and made gingerbread houses. The gangster party was for Artem, who got his mission call to Oakland California. Everyone told him there will be gangsters everywhere trying to get him, so we had a party for him. Doug, his roommate and our other home teacher, also got engaged this last week so that party was kind of for them too. It didn't really work out though because Lisa had to work so she didn't even make it to the party. We will probably do something for them later. Brant's birthday is today. I don't know what we are doing but we will probably be partying again tonight. I think this is like the busiest week of the year so far. I have a final that I have to take today as well. I'm kinda glad to get it over with before finals week, but at the same time... I really don't want to take it. Oh well, not a whole lot I can do about that. Speaking of that final, it's about time to go study for it.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Haunted Forest and Scavenger Hunt

Here are some pictures of forever ago at the Haunted Forest with the Dahlin family. Also, I went on a triple date tonight with Brent, Eric and Kimberlee and Mark and Elizabeth from the ward. We did a picture scavenger hunt all around town. We lost, but, it was me and Brent against Eric, Kim, Mark and Liz. It was a lot of fun, Eric was so nervous though because he asked Kim and Kim didn't realize it was a date at first, so he was all nervous that she didn't actually want to go. I think it went quite well though... not very date-like, but it was good! Oh, the picture of all of us on the slide was from when Hannah visited over Thanksgiving break. She wasn't even in the picture, sad.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Extra Pictures

Here are some left over pictures from recent activities. Some of them are from our cooking contest, we won by the way with my amazing taco soup and our amazing apple/spice cake concoction by Kimberlee. The last one of David and Kimberlee is from last night and our ice cream outing. Good times. Kimberlee and I had some good times singing at the piano. She is definately my favorite roommate.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Temple Square

Here are our pretty pictures from when we went to the Christmas Devotional tonight. It was a really good devotional and the lights on temple square were amazing, even though it was freezing outside. That is pretty much all we did today, besides church and a nice Sunday nap. I also went to the doctor today and he took pictures of my break out again. I'm on medicine again because I'm breaking out with the skin lupus again. My favorite picture is the one of the Christus with the kids looking up at it. I was taking the picture and they ran up and started talking to Jesus. It was adorable!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Our Pretty Apartment

I finally found a day where I could clean the apartment and it wouldn't be completely trashed again within a few hours so I took some pictures. It's pretty exciting.